
How Jesus Treats His Sheep

Yesterday we looked at how the goodness of God directs and protects you. Today we’ll look at three more benefits of God’s goodness: how he guides, guards, and saves you through Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

God guides you. When you get confused or wander away, Jesus will find you and bring you back. Much like sheep, we tend to wander—and we get lost. So God sent Jesus on a search and rescue mission to save us, “to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10 NLT).

Why? Because every single one of us matters to him.

When God brings you back from wandering away from him, he will not punish you, but he may discipline you. Like a shepherd that wraps the legs of a sheep that is prone to wander, God may give you a limp to keep you from wandering.

God guards you. If you fail or fall, Jesus rescues you and sets you on the road to recovery.
We not only wander, but, just like sheep, we also stumble and fall. The good news is that you can run to Jesus every time you mess up and expect him to rescue and restore you. 

Jesus said, “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? How much more valuable is a person than a sheep!” (Matthew 12:11-12 NIV) If it’s common sense to rescue an animal that stumbles, won’t God act the same way toward you when you stumble?

God saves you. If you trust him to save you, Jesus will keep his promise to do just that.
It’s not your job to save yourself. Your job is simply to put your hand in God’s and say, “I’m all yours—the good, the bad, and the ugly.” God loves you too much to ever let you go.

Jesus said it like this: “My Father gave my sheep to me. He is greater than all, and no person can steal my sheep out of my Father’s hand” (John 10:29 NCV).

When you trust in Jesus as your Savior, you’re no longer on your own. When you feel lost, confused, or like you’ve fallen into a pit, you can trust that the Good Shepherd is always there for you. He will guide you, guard you, and save you.

Rick Warren

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