16 Dec 2016 0 Comment

Your Daily Bread

When Jesus says we’re to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” he’s talking about far more than just bread. In fact, the Bible tells us that bread represents four things. Bread represents the necessities of life. This is the...
15 Dec 2016 0 Comment

Hold Up Your White Flag

Surrender means leaving the future to God. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (ESV). What area...
14 Dec 2016 0 Comment

You Need God’s Presence, Not His Explanation

One of the reasons people struggle with contentment is because we’re always looking for explanations for why things happen in our lives. It ticks us off that God doesn’t offer us explanations. So why doesn’t he? Because he’s...
13 Dec 2016 0 Comment

Let Go, and Know God Is in Control

Every day, you have to decide who’s going to be in control of your life — you or God. That choice is a battle. There are things in your life that you want to control. You want to make your own rules. But stress relief always starts...
12 Dec 2016 0 Comment

God Is Close

God is not as far away as the furthest star. He’s as close as your next heartbeat. He’s right there with you every moment. The Bible says in Acts 17:27, “God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find...
11 Dec 2016 0 Comment

You Can Count on God

When everything’s changing around you, it’s important to remember that God is a consistent Father. He will never let you down. He can be counted on. He is reliable. He is worthy of trust.James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift...
10 Dec 2016 0 Comment

God Is Aware, and He Cares

God is a caring, loving, compassionate father. He loves you more than you will ever understand. He loves you more than you can ever comprehend. God is love, and he made you to love you. He is loving toward you in everything that he does,...
9 Dec 2016 0 Comment

Christianity: A Belong System

There are only two ways to get into a family: You can either be born into it, or you can be adopted into it. God does both for you! It’s called being born again, and it’s called being adopted into the family of God. God does both. In...
8 Dec 2016 0 Comment

To Bear Fruit, Get Connected

Right before Jesus goes to the cross, he gives his last minute instructions to his followers: “Live in me, and I will live in you. A branch cannot produce any fruit by itself. It has to stay attached to the vine. In the same way, you...
7 Dec 2016 0 Comment

Your Prayers Have an Impact

Do you ever wonder if prayer really works? You’re praying about something and Satan whispers to you, “This is a waste of time. Forget it!  Who do you think you are? What do you think you’re doing? God is not listening. Don’t waste...