A Note From Pastor Rick

Dear Friend,

God is always at work in incredible ways, using ordinary people who are committed to his mission and who depend on his strength to follow it. And he wants to use you too! He loves to use your everyday life experiences for his glory and for your good. Here are four ways you can expect God to work through you:

When you minister to others. God helps, comforts, and strengthens you in every experience so that you can help others when they experience similar things.

When you motivate others. Talking about how you’ve seen God work through your experiences will give people hope. They’ll know they can get through the same thing too.

When you are a model for others. Models are representations of the real thing. Jesus wants you to be a representation of him in your community.

When you mentor others. When you mentor someone, you take a particular interest in their life and commit to helping them along in their walk with God.

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Encourage one another” (NIV). God loves using you to encourage others in your neighborhood, at work, at home, and at school. It makes him smile! And he is even using you in amazing ways to encourage people all around the world through your support of Daily Hope!

I am so thankful for your willingness to let God use you in whatever way he has planned. Please send me your stories of how God is using Daily Hope to work through you by writing to me at [email protected]. Thanks again, and God bless!



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