A Note From Pastor Rick

It’s hard to think of another time during the year when our lives are more hectic than around Thanksgiving and Christmas. We attend parties, visit relatives, buy gifts, and basically run ourselves ragged.

In 1 Kings 19, we read about God’s prophet, Elijah, who found himself fatigued and burned out. But God did three things to refill his tank, and God can do these three things for you too.

1. God makes you rest your body. Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures” (ESV). You can’t be spiritually strong when you’re physically depleted. As Elijah was sleeping, God sent him an angel, who brought bread and water. Elijah ate, drank, and went to sleep again. And then the angel came again. The Bible says, “So Elijah got up. He ate and drank and felt strong” (1 Kings 19:8 ERV).

2. God encourages you to release your frustrations. After Elijah refueled and rested, he traveled to a cave, where God let him unload his feelings. God wants you to do the same: “Cast all your cares on Him. For He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 RGT).

 3. God reminds you to refocus on him. God came to Elijah in “the sound of a gentle whisper” (1Kings 19:12 TLB). God offers his quiet presence to you too as you focus on him. The Bible says, “The Lord is all I need; I can depend on him!” (Lamentations 3:24 CEV).

Will you join me in praying Lamentations 3:24 through the holiday season and into the new year? In fact, we can pray right now: “God you are all I need; I can depend on you.”

This season, I pray you experience the restorative peace of God. And please know that Daily Hope is here to come alongside you. Every resource is designed to help you rest in Christ and live out his plans for your life, much like your support does for others.

Together, we are impacting millions around the world with the Good News of Jesus, and I am incredibly thankful for you. God bless you, and Happy Thanksgiving!


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