
Say Goodbye to Shame

The Bible says God completely accepts you and loves you unconditionally, and as you understand that truth, it will change your life. You will never, ever be the same again.

One of the first things that will change is the feeling of shame you may carry. You don’t have to carry it anymore once you know the truth about God’s unconditional love.

Some people go through life avoiding God because they feel ashamed and guilty. They think, “God is a perfect God, and I am so imperfect. Why in the world would I want to hang out with a perfect God who’s simply going to remind me of all the ways that I’ve failed?”

But that’s not who God is.

The Bible says, “By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God” (Romans 5:1 CEV).

You may have spent your entire life trying to gain the approval of other people. It has influenced how you dress, how you talk, and how you do so many of the things you do. But when you understand that God loves you unconditionally, you realize this: You don’t need anyone else’s approval except for God’s.

When you know that God loves you and that you’re forgiven, you can shake off the shame and guilt because “there is no condemnation now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1 GNT).

Rejoice today that you can rest in the perfect love of your Father.

Rick Warren

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