
Finding God’s Best on the Other Side of Obedience

We all suffer setbacks at work from time to time. But sometimes the simplest step from setback to comeback is just two words: Obey God.

Imagine this scenario: God has told you to do something that seems illogical and foolish to you. It makes no sense financially, relationally, or emotionally. Worse yet, it scares you to death.

But God says to do it anyway. The next move is yours: Obey God or go your own way.

For the past couple of days, we’ve been looking at a story from the Bible about a business setback. In Luke 5, Simon Peter had been fishing all night and caught nothing. For first-century fishermen, it would have been an awful setback.

But Jesus came by and used Simon Peter’s boat to preach. Then Jesus told him: “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish” (Luke 5:4 NLT).

Jesus told Simon Peter what to do—and then Simon Peter had to make the choice to obey.

Jesus’ instruction was completely illogical. On the surface it made no sense. After all, they had fished all night and caught nothing! So why did Jesus tell Simon Peter to go out again—and into the deeper water? It’s in the deep water where you find the most fish. But it’s also where you find the biggest risk.

And there’s no faith without risk.

So did Simon Peter decide to obey? “‘Master,’ Simon replied, ‘we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again’” (Luke 5:5 NLT).

Simon Peter did what Jesus told him to do. He didn’t do it because it was a smart or popular idea. He did it because God said to do it. He didn’t argue or hesitate.

And, through his obedience, God gave Simon Peter and his companions a bigger business success than they could have dreamed. The Bible says God gave them so many fish that their nets tore and they had to enlist the help of other fishermen.

But none of that happened until Simon Peter obeyed Jesus—even when it was illogical to obey him.

What has God told you to do that you’re not doing? Does it seem impossible? Does it make little sense financially? Is he telling you to go into the deep water? It doesn’t matter how foolish it seems. God wants you to take a risk and obey him.

The choice is yours: You can either stay in the shallow end where it’s safe or go into the deep water where the fish are. Once you obey, God will take care of the rest. Your best days are on the other side of your obedience.

So will you obey? 

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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