
Even a Barbeque Can Build a Bridge of Love

God has given you unique talents, gifts, abilities, and skills. But those things weren’t given for your benefit. They were given to you for the benefit of others. And, despite the need to stay closer to home these days, there’s never been a better time to put those gifts to work as you obey God’s command to love your neighbor.

Meeting needs and serving other people is love in action. The Bible says in 1 John 3:17, “If anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” (ESV).

I’ve heard about a lot of innovative ways people have been serving their neighborhoods since the pandemic began. When you go to the grocery store, you can check with your neighbors, especially older ones, to see if they need anything. Offer to mow someone’s lawn or wash their car. Maybe someone has questions about their kids’ schooling, their taxes, or a car problem that you are uniquely gifted to answer.

Food always opens doors! Make a meal for someone or drop off donuts for a family.

Bring the newspaper to their door. Offer to pull weeds or help with an outdoor project. Share your number so people can text you with a need. I heard of one family that even posted a QR code on mailboxes to join a group for support during the pandemic. You can also invite people to watch your church service online and talk with them about it after.

Most importantly, there’s one way you can serve your neighbors that will meet their greatest need: Share with them about how much God loves them and how Jesus Christ died to save them.

You need to learn how to explain to your neighbors how they can become friends with Jesus. It’s not that hard, friends. You share with them that their past can be forgiven, that they can have a purpose for living, and that they can have a home in heaven. You build a bridge of love between your heart and theirs with a barbecue or a driveway conversation, and you let Jesus walk across.

The most important way you can love your neighbor is to introduce them to Jesus. Make the most of every opportunity to serve the people around you in love so they can learn about the greatest love they’ll ever know.

Rick Warren

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