
Your Heart Is Where Your Time and Money Are

The Bible says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21 NIV).

So where is your heart today?

It’s simple, really. Your heart is wherever you put your money and time. For some of you, your heart is in your home—because that’s where you put your money. Maybe your heart is in your boat. Or your cabin. Or the sport you spend your time and money on.

Wherever you put your money is where your heart is going to go. Do you want to get interested in a particular company? Buy some stock. From the moment you buy it, you’ll be very interested in that company. But when your money—your treasure—isn’t there, you will likely never think about the company.

Where you spend your time also reveals your priorities. You say you love your kids, but do you spend time with your kids? No? Then you don’t really love them the way you think you do. You can say you love to be in shape, but do you exercise? No? Then you don’t really love being in shape.

You can say you love Jesus, but if you don’t spend any time with him, then you don’t love him as much as you think you do.

Here’s how you know what’s really important to someone: Look at their calendar, and look at their bank statement. The way you spend your time and money shows what’s really important to you.

You can say, “This is really important to me.” But what you say in this case doesn’t really matter. If you don’t spend time on it and you don’t spend money on it, then your heart isn’t really there.

When you give to God, guess where your heart goes? It turns toward him and the things he loves. When you spend time with God, you become closer to him as you know him more. Giving God your time and money is an act of worship—it’s a way you align your heart with his.

Where is your heart today? Where do you want it to be? Decide where you want your heart to be and start investing your time and money there. Soon you’ll find your heart there too.

Rick Warren

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