When you look at the world around you, what irritates you? What hurts, injustices, or problems make you go, “That’s not right!” What is it that, if you could, you would change right now in society? What is it that keeps you awake at night? What disturbs you?
Everybody, at some point in their life, has what I call a SODSAT moment, when they say, “Somebody ought to do something about that!” In fact, nothing at all really happens until somebody has that kind of moment.
This happened for Esther when she heard that her people, the Jews, were going to be annihilated by Haman, an official in the king’s court. She thought, “Somebody ought to do something about that!”—and then she acted on it. Esther 4:4 says she was “deeply disturbed” (GNT) when she heard of people suffering because of the decree to kill the Jews. And she decided to risk everything and go to the king for help.
Are there things that deeply disturb you? I hope so! If someone says that nothing disturbs them, then it reveals a self-centered, isolated life lived outside of community with others. When you live an individualistic life, nothing disturbs you, unless it directly affects you.
God makes an amazing promise to those who get disturbed and decide to do something about it: “If you put an end to oppression, to every gesture of contempt, and to every evil word; if you give food to the hungry and satisfy those who are in need, then the darkness around you will turn to the brightness of noon. And I will always guide you and satisfy you with good things. I will keep you strong and well. You will be like a garden that has plenty of water, like a spring of water that never goes dry” (Isaiah 58:9-11 GNT).
Part of your destiny is to experience God’s goodness for all of your life. One way you do that is by sharing generously with those in need—by giving sacrificially from whatever God has blessed you with. When you live this way, you keep your eyes open for the opportunities all around you to lift others up and show them God’s loving care.
You get disturbed, and then you do something about it.
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