
Why Doesn’t God Tell You Why?

One reason people struggle with contentment is because we’re always looking for explanations for why things happen in our lives. But God doesn’t tell us why most things happen, and that can frustrate us.

Sometimes God doesn’t tell you why because he’s testing you. He wants to see if you will let go of control and learn to be content, whether or not he explains why something happens in your life.

God doesn’t owe you an explanation for anything. You’re not going to know why most things happen until you get to heaven.

When I was a little kid, the only time our school classroom was quiet was during a test. The teacher would say, “No talking! Take your pencils and fill out your tests.” Even the teacher would be silent.

When God is silent in your life—when you don’t hear him, and he feels like he’s a million miles away—that is a test!

The teacher is always silent when the students take a test—but the teacher is still present with the students. When God is silent in your life, your faith is being tested—but God is still with you.

In that test, will you let go of control, or will you grab on more tightly? Will you learn to be content?

The Bible says, “Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him” (Psalm 37:7 GW).

When you go through pain next week or next month or this year, you don’t really need God’s explanation. You need God’s presence. Let go of control and surrender yourself to him.

Rick Warren

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