
Tithe for the Past, Present, and Future

Throughout Scripture, God has commanded us to give back to him the first 10 percent of everything we make. That’s called tithing.

Why does God ask you to do that? He certainly doesn’t need your money. It’s all his in the first place. He just loans it to you while you’re alive.

The Bible says you should practice the principle of putting God first in your income for three reasons: the past, present, and future.

First, tithe out of gratitude for the past. Recognize that everything you’ve ever had has been a gift from God. You wouldn’t have any of it if it weren’t for God’s generosity!

Second, tithe to keep your priorities straight in the present. Put God first in all the areas you want him to bless. Jesus said that when you seek his Kingdom first and make him your top priority, he will take care of all the other needs in your life.

Third, tithe for the future, to demonstrate trust in God. Tithing shows you believe God is going to take care of you in the future and that his promises are not lies. You believe, as you are faithful to God’s command today, God is going to be faithful to you in the future.

You know what I have a hard time understanding? Some people trust God to keep his promises to save them and take them to heaven—but they don’t trust his promise to care for them financially if they put him first by tithing. If you can’t trust God with your finances, then how in the world can you trust him for your salvation?

“Honor the Lord by giving him the first part of all your income, and he will fill your barns with wheat and barley and overflow your wine vats with the finest wines” (Proverbs 3:9-10 TLB).

Don’t give God your leftovers. When you choose instead to give him the first of everything you have, God promises to give you everything you need—and more.

Rick Warren

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