Studying God’s Word will change your life if you put what you learn in practice — but it all starts with your willingness to study his Word.
The Bible says, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law” (Psalm 119:18 ESV).
God has so much he wants to show us, but we must be willing to look into his Word with open eyes.
So how should we study God’s Word? Effective Bible study, no matter what Bible study method we use, has five parts. I’ll look at two today and three tomorrow.
Dawson Trotman, who was the founder of the Navigators ministry, used to say, “Thoughts disentangle themselves when they pass through the lips and the fingertips.” In other words, if you can’t say it and you can’t write it, then you haven’t really thought about it. Even if you don’t see anything in the verse, write down that you don’t see anything. Just the act of writing that down will open up new thoughts.
“En cambio, dejen que el Espíritu les renueve los pensamientos y las actitudes. Pónganse la…
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“Por lo tanto, hermanos, tomando en cuenta la misericordia de Dios, les ruego que cada…
For God to make you successful in your destiny—being who he wants you to be,…
“No permitan que el sol se ponga mientras siguen enojados, porque el enojo da lugar…
God wants you to be successful in the destiny he’s planned for you. So how…