
Lift Holy Hands Instead of Shaking Fists

How much energy does it take to drop something? Nothing. You just let it go! It doesn’t take any energy at all.

Jesus says, “Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him [drop the issue, let it go], so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions and wrongdoings” (Mark 11:25 AMP).

When you let your hurt go, all of that energy you’ve wasted on hating, resenting, carrying a grudge, and nursing your resentment will be released. Then you can use your energy on more important and constructive projects.

You’ve got to give your hurt to God. Drop it and let him carry it for you. God has already volunteered to handle it.

You just say to God, “This hurt is too heavy for me to carry, and I don’t know the right thing to do about it. I’ll probably make a mess of it! So, God, I’m giving you this hurt. I forgive that person who hurt me, and I would like for you to handle it from here. It’s out of my hands now and in yours. Thank you!”

The Bible also says in 1 Timothy 2:8, “I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy” (NLT).

When you’re hurt or treated unfairly, instead of complaining to others, communicate with God. Instead of being angry and resentful, worship God for his presence and provision in your life. Stop shaking angry fists and instead raise holy hands to God in prayer.

Don’t waste any more of your life harboring anger and resentment toward your enemies. Just drop your hurt at the feet of Jesus, and you’ll experience relief and freedom like you’ve never known before.

Rick Warren

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