
How Do You Respond to Grace?

Salvation is a free gift. You can have all your sins forgiven and get a free ticket to heaven. But, while salvation is free to you, it is also costly—because somebody had to pay for it. When Jesus went to the cross, he paid the price for your sins to be forgiven.

If there were any other way for you to go to heaven, don’t you think God would have used it? If there were any other way for a holy God to let an imperfect person into a perfect place, don’t you think God would have done it rather than sacrifice his own Son? Of course he would have.

A lot of popular psychology says you can go to heaven by being a good person or by just believing God and heaven exist. But if that’s true, then why did Jesus have to die? He wouldn’t have submitted himself to that kind of agony if it wasn’t necessary.

The truth is everyone is full of sin. And a perfect God couldn’t let you into his perfect home without an enormous price being paid for that sin. That’s why it’s not enough to be a good person. In fact, there is no truly good person. The Bible says we—every single one of us—all fall short of God’s holiness. That’s why you need a Savior!

God is holy, and your sin is ugly. Salvation from your sin is costly—it cost Jesus his life! How should you respond to that?

You need to turn from your sin and trust Jesus to save you. The Bible says, “God says he will accept and acquit us—declare us ‘not guilty’—if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like” (Romans 3:22 TLB).

You can come to Christ “no matter who you are or what you’ve done.” Isn’t that the kindest thing that’s ever been offered to you?

What are you most ashamed of in your life? Jesus paid for it. You can stop beating yourself up—because Jesus allowed himself to be beat up for it. You don’t have to pay for something he’s already paid for!

Turn from your sin today, and trust that Jesus has already paid for it by being your substitute on the cross. It is finished! That’s how much Jesus loves you.

Rick Warren

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