
Here’s Where to Look for Encouragement

Are you feeling down? Do you need a mood elevator? 

Put down the chocolate. Don’t have a pity party. Pick up your Bible instead. When you’re discouraged, you don’t need a coffee break. You need a Word break!

God gave us the Bible to encourage us. One way you can think of the Bible is as a mood elevator.

The Bible says in Romans 15:4, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (NIV).

Take a closer look at that verse. Four words stand out to me: “everything,” “Scriptures,” “encouragement,” and “hope.” What does that mean? Everything in the Scriptures is for your encouragement and hope.

That’s a big statement—but it’s true! Even the tough parts of God’s Word ultimately are there to encourage your life in the right direction.

That’s why you need to spend time alone with God every single day. No matter what you call it—daily devotional, quiet time, Bible study—you need to get alone with God, read his Word, and talk to him.

The Bible says in Psalm 119:114, You’re my place of quiet retreat; I wait for your Word to renew me” (MSG).

If you’re discouraged and have lost hope, I can tell you one thing that is probably true, without ever meeting you: You need to spend time in God’s Word. The more you read God’s Word when you’re down, the more he lifts you up. No matter how you’re feeling, you need to read God’s Word. It is essential to your life!

So the next time you feel discouraged, don’t come home and turn on the television. Instead, open your Bible and read it. 

God’s Word will give you true encouragement and hope, because it has God’s power in it. It is the only thing that has power to change your life!

Rick Warren

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