
God’s Way Is Always Better

God is ready and willing to guide you through life, but first you need to admit you need a guide.

If you’re like most people, you don’t really want to follow God or anybody else. You want to go your own way. Instead of doing what God wants you to do, you take matters into your own hands.

Isaiah 53:6 says, “All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own” (NLT). Sheep, by nature, tend to wander off the path. That’s why they need guidance from a shepherd. Another thing about sheep is that they have poor vision. They can’t see very far ahead.

It’s not surprising that the Bible compares us to sheep! God made us so that we would not be able to see into the future, no matter how hard we try. He did it so we would depend on him.

We need God to be our shepherd and lead us on the right path.

Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death” (NIV). We’ve all made decisions that at the time seemed right but later turned out to be wrong. Some paths lead to dead ends, and you end up off track. That’s why you need to admit, “God, I need help.”

When you trust God’s will more than your own, it represents a deep level of faith and makes all the difference in the world. 

If you look at your circumstances from your point of view, it won’t always make sense. But when you believe that God’s point of view is greater and longer and deeper than you could ever dream, the problem suddenly shrinks in size. The next step becomes clearer.

When Israel’s army looked at Goliath, they said, “This guy is impossible to handle. We’re never going to be able to take him down.” If they had trusted their point of view, they would have been defeated. 

But David looked at Goliath from God’s point of view and said, “He’s just a mere mortal man who is defiling and defaming God.” He believed God could see more and do more than they could ever think of, and it led to Israel’s victory.

You can trust God to see the better way that leads to life. He wants to lead you on the right path, and that’s exactly what he’ll do when you surrender to him and let him be your guide.

Rick Warren

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