It’s not just swallowing too much food that’ll torpedo your health. Swallowing your sin can have even more disastrous results.
One of the healthiest choices you can make is to receive the forgiveness of God. Many people are carrying around a stinky garbage sack of sin. Carrying around that sack won’t just make you ineffective for serving Jesus; it’ll ruin your health, too.
The Bible teaches in Psalm 32:3-5, “Before I confessed my sins, my bones felt limp, and I groaned all day long. Night and day your hand weighed heavily on me, and my strength was gone as in the summer heat. So I confessed my sins and told them all to you. I said, ‘I’ll tell the Lord each one of my sins.’ Then you forgave me and took away my guilt” (CEV).
In fact, an October 2013 study by scientists at Princeton University and the University of Waterloo scientifically verified what King David said centuries earlier: The feelings we can have of being physically “weighed down” by guilt are real.
God has given us a foolproof method for relief from those soul and body-destroying feelings of guilt: repentance. How do you repent?
Don’t put yourself at risk of spiritual heart disease. God wants to use you. Come clean about your sin. Get a fresh start.
Then see what God can do through you.
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