Categories: devotional

Your Courage Will Motivate Other Believers

God wants you to have courage and stand up for his ways when everyone else sits down. But it’s not just for your own good.

It’s for the good of others, too.

When you stand up publicly for what God wants, you’ll encourage other believers. When you stand up for God, other people will follow.

Courage is contagious. You never know how many people will join you until you courageously step out in faith.

Most people are waiting for a leader to show some courage. They’re waiting for someone like you to demonstrate some faith.

Paul writes about this in Philippians 1:14: “Most of the brothers in the Lord have gained confidence from my imprisonment and dare even more to speak the message fearlessly” (HCSB).

Paul’s imprisonment for the Gospel led to others demonstrating more boldness.

God will use your courage, too, to help others respond with courage.

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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