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Your Path to a Healthier Mind, Body, and Emotional Life

Your Path to a Healthier Mind, Body, and Emotional Life

By Rick Warren

Your ability to make choices is one of God’s greatest blessings. It gives you the freedom to grow and mature as you make choices to follow his will. You can actually change your life by changing your mind. And that starts by choosing what you allow in your mind.

The Bible says, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8 NLT).

“Fix your thoughts” means having an intentional focus. It requires disciplining your mind to have true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable thoughts—and bringing your attention to these things each day.

One practical way to do this is to surround yourself visually with things that remind you who you are and whose you are—“you belong to God” (1 John 4:4 NLT). Display truth from God’s Word around your home or office. Decorate your walls with uplifting images. Or combine the two by adding Scripture to a positive memory from your past.

A friend of mine, who grew up on a farm in Nebraska, did this exact thing. He took a beautiful picture of the pathway down from his old house, and he wrote on it: “Show me your paths and teach me to follow” (Psalm 25:4 CEV). He combined a beautiful memory with Scripture, filling his mind with “things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” The more you feed your brain with God’s beauty and God’s Word, the healthier your mind, body, and emotions will be.

Maybe you’ve been told that you’re not talented, smart, coordinated, or good looking enough—and you believed it. Don’t allow those negative thoughts to continue filling your mind. Instead, believe that God calls you friend (John 15:15), sees you as his marvelous workmanship (Psalm 139:14), and loves you with unfailing love (Psalm 107:8).

What a tremendous amount of hope this offers, knowing that you can “rewire” your brain by fixing your thoughts on God’s Word.

Download 4 Steps to a Happier, Healthier You

There is a direct connection between your spiritual health and your physical health. In fact, the Bible is full of health advice you’re probably not going to read about in a nutritional book.

In this free download, I share four things from Scripture you can do to live a healthier life. Download it here!

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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