If you want to know how to be a good parent and build a strong family, you don’t have to look online or go to a bookstore. Look no further than the greatest book ever written on parenting: God’s Word, the Bible.
The Bible says in 1 John 4:7, “Let us love one another, for love comes from God” (NIV).
More than anything else, kids need unwavering and unconditional love. There needs to be a place where they’re accepted—warts and all.
What is compassion? Compassion is a combination of love and understanding. Compassion is where you know everything about someone and you still like that person.
Love is not natural. You have to learn to love. You learn by practicing. What better place to practice than with the people you’re forced to live with all your life? If you can learn to love your family, you can love anybody. Why? Because it’s easy to love people at a distance, but when you’re with them all the time, you don’t always get along. When you practice love in the family, you’re learning to really love.
A lot of times we love our kids, but we don’t express it in a way they can understand it. Children understand love in three ways: affection, affirmation, and attention.
“¡Pues el Señor concede sabiduría! De su boca provienen el saber y el entendimiento”. Proverbios…
God did not put you on earth just to live for yourself. He wants you…
“Todo el que quiera ser sabio debe empezar por obedecer a Dios. Pero la gente…
God doesn’t want you to remain a spiritual baby. He wants you to grow and…
“Adquiere sabiduría, desarrolla buen juicio. No te olvides de mis palabras ni te alejes de…
The church not only helps you center your life on God, but it also helps…