
Why Won’t God Tell You the Next Step?

You may keep saying that you want to know God’s will for your career or your relationship, but first God wants you to get to the basics down. Are you reading your Bible? Are you in a small group? Are you tithing? Are you spending time with him?

Is there something God has already told you to do that you haven’t done yet? Why should he tell you the next step when you haven’t taken the one you already know about?

Maybe you’ve been attending a church for more than a year, and you need to take the next step in membership. Maybe you’ve been praying about baptism but still need to put it on the calendar. Maybe you’ve been looking for a group of people to do life with, and you need to start a small group in your home. Maybe God has shown you why he created you the way you are, and you need to find a way to use your gifts and talents to serve others.

Are you going to make it to the end of another week, another year without doing what God has already told you to do?

What are you waiting for?

Ecclesiastes 5:4 says, “When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools” (NLT). Don’t delay. Do what you already know to do.

Pray this prayer today: “Lord, I need your guidance in my life. I ask in faith that you direct me. Help me to listen for your response, to not get so busy that I can’t hear you. Father, when I don’t understand it, help me to trust you and understand that you have a path that is meant for my good. God, what’s the next step I need to take today? Help me to do what I already know I should do. Help me to not get frustrated. Help me to not be fearful but to trust in you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

Rick Warren

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