What would happen if every single thing in your life went bad? Would you still trust God if your plans didn’t work out? If everything fell apart? If you lost it all? Would you be able to honor God even in your pain?
The whole book of Job in the Bible is about answering that one question: Will you worship God when everything in your life goes wrong? For Job, almost everything that could go wrong, did, but he was faithful. He worshiped God by honoring him, even when he was wounded.
So how do you honor God when you don’t understand what’s going on in your life? How do you keep your eyes on God when they’re full of tears?
You honor God, not by thanking him for your problems but by thanking him in the middle of your problems. You do what Job did.
Job 1:21-22 tells us how Job responded: “‘I came naked from my mother’s womb,’ he said, ‘and I shall have nothing when I die. The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were his to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.’ In all of this Job did not sin or revile God” (TLB).
At each point in your life, you can find reasons to praise God. Life is never all good, and life is never all bad. In every moment you have good and bad together.
Throughout the book of Job, Job finds the good for which he can praise God, even in the middle of the bad. You can use this list to help you praise God, no matter what’s going on. Here’s what you can praise God for:
Whatever is going on in your life today, choose to honor God in faith.
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