
What Does Your Heart Reveal?

How does God help us manage our mouth? By going directly to the source: the heart.

Have you ever said, “I don’t know what got into me—I’m not that kind of person”? Well, the truth is, it wouldn’t be coming out of your mouth if it wasn’t in your heart first.

In other words, it’s not your mouth that gets you in trouble; it’s your heart! The stuff that’s inside of you is what comes out. The Bible says, “Whatever is in your heart determines what you say” (Matthew 12:34 NLT).

Your words demonstrate your heart’s condition. That means that someone with a harsh tongue is demonstrating an angry heart. Someone who brags a lot is revealing an insecure heart.

A person who is overly talkative has an unsettled heart. Critical words reveal a bitter heart.

On the other hand, when you share encouraging words with others, it reveals a joyful heart. When you offer gentle words to people when they’re down, it shows you’ve got a loving heart.

If you say kind and comforting words to people, it shows you’ve got a heart of peace. What you say shows what you’re like on the inside.

Contamination can only be eliminated at the source. When God helps you control your mouth, he changes you from the inside out.

God specializes in heart transplants and is ready to transform anyone who comes to him, no matter what has happened in their past.

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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