
Understand that God Is on Your Side

No matter what you’re going to face this next week, you won’t face it alone. God is with you, he is in you, and he is for you.

Philippians 2:13 says, “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” (NLT).

“God is working in you.” The word “working” in Greek is the word energos, from which we get our word “energy.” God is the energy driver in your life. You’re not just going on willpower. You’re not just going on your own power. God says he will give you the power you need, no matter what you’re facing.

Not only is he in you, he also is with you. The Bible says, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you . . . On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” (John 14:18, 20 NIV). That’s quite a promise! The Bible says Christ is in you, the Bible says you’re sheltered with Christ, and the Bible says you’re sealed with the Holy Spirit. That means for the Devil to get to you, he’s got to get through the Trinity! That’s a pretty good protection. That is a great fear reliever.

Not only is God with you and in you, God is also for you. Romans 8:31 says, “If God is for us, no one can defeat us” (NCV).

When a shepherd leads the sheep, guard dogs stay at the back, nipping at the sheep to keep them moving in the right direction.

The Bible says that the guard dogs in your life are God’s goodness and mercy. God gives you the things you don’t deserve—that is his goodness. And he doesn’t give you the things you do deserve—that’s his mercy.

Get up every morning and say, “God, thank you that you’re going to be with me today, you’re going to be in me today, and you’re going to be for me today.”

Isn’t that great news? God is with you, God is in you, and God is for you.

Rick Warren

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