
Two Steps to Handle Temptation

If you want to successfully handle temptation, then claim the promises that God gave in his Word about temptation. Everybody ought to memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13: God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (NIV).

I’ve had many people tell me, I couldn’t help myself. It was impossible to resist. I had no choice but to give in.” When you say that, youre basically calling God a liar. He says he’ll always offer an escape from the temptation you face. It may be tough and painful. It might even be embarrassing. But there will always be a way out. God makes sure of it! That is his promise.

Will you believe his promise? 

Satan is constantly battling for your mind. When God gives us an idea, its inspiration. When the devil gives us an idea, its temptation. You choose every day which thought youre going to dwell on.

You can change your mind by replacing temptation with truth, and truth is found in the Bible.

The Bible says to resist the devil. How do you do that? By preparing for the temptation. Ephesians 6:17 says, Accept Gods salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (NCV).

There are two things you need to do in order to handle temptation —

Salvation is the first step: Accept Gods salvation as your helmet.” What does a helmet do? It protects your head and your mind, and thats where the battle is going on. Before you can say no to the devil, you need to learn to say yes to Jesus Christ. His power comes to you through salvation. 

The second step is to use Gods Word as a sword. Truth is the antidote to temptation. You can keep your Bible on the coffee table at home, but when you don’t have it with you and you’re tempted, what good will it do? You need to get the truth found in the Bible into your mind.

Without a doubt, the single most effective tool for combating temptation is to memorize Scripture. If you dont have any verses memorized, you’ve got no weapons for the fight! When Satan comes along, how are you going to counter him? Hes not afraid of your opinion, but he does fear the truth. The sword of God is Gods truth, but it only becomes a weapon you can use when you memorize it.

Rick Warren

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