Daily Hope Devotionals - Relationships

Resentment Hurts You More than Anyone Else

When you hang on to resentment, it always hurts you more than anyone else. Resentment is self-destructive and counterproductive. Resentment just makes no sense. If anyone ever had a reason to be resentful, it was … Continue reading Resentment Hurts You More than Anyone Else

Insecurity Ruins Relationships. God’s Love Builds Them Up

Insecurity ruins relationships. But when you open your life to others, even though they could potentially hurt you, you’ll come alive in ways you’ve never experienced before.  Why does insecurity ruin relationships? Because it prevents … Continue reading Insecurity Ruins Relationships. God’s Love Builds Them Up

Humility Builds Relationships

The ability to be humble is a relationship builder. What is humility? It’s when you honor others above yourself instead of demanding or clinging to your rights.  Pride, on the other hand, destroys relationships—and it … Continue reading Humility Builds Relationships

Need a Relationship Reset? Try Selflessness

Selflessness brings out the best in people. It builds relationships. What does it mean to be selfless? It means you think of yourself a little less often and others a little more often. The opposite … Continue reading Need a Relationship Reset? Try Selflessness

If You Want to Change, Start with Your Thinking

Change requires new thinking. In order to change, you must learn the truth and start making good choices, but you must also change the way you think. The way you think determines the way you … Continue reading If You Want to Change, Start with Your Thinking

If You Want to Change, Then Face the Truth

The secret to personal change is not willpower. The secret is to know and face the truth. So, if you want to change, you must know and face the truth about yourself. You need to … Continue reading If You Want to Change, Then Face the Truth

Give God First Place

There are some gifts that God can’t get unless you give them to him. He won’t demand them or take them by force—but when you give them freely, you show how much you love him. … Continue reading Give God First Place

To Become Wise, Spend Time with Wise People

If you want to be wise, invite wise people into your life. You don’t need a lot of friends. You don’t need to be popular. You just need a few good friends who build you … Continue reading To Become Wise, Spend Time with Wise People

For Long-term Gain, Choose Short-term Pain

If you’re going to be good at anything—if you’re going to have long-term gain—you’ve got to accept short-term pain. Anybody who’s ever played sports knows this. To end up in a championship game, you’ve got … Continue reading For Long-term Gain, Choose Short-term Pain

Pride Destroys, Humility Builds

The Bible draws a clear distinction between pride and humility. While pride will tear down your relationships, humility builds them up and strengthens them. But pride is self-deceiving. It can be hard for you to … Continue reading Pride Destroys, Humility Builds