Do the Daily Hope Study with Us!

Current Study: Life's Healing Choices
In this broadcast series, Pastor Rick teaches through the Beatitudes and examines the choices that lead to the abundant life God has planned for each of us.
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Previous Studies

Discover Your Destiny
Do you want to spend the next 10 years of your life the same way you spent the last 10? Or are you ready to unlock a new level of blessing in every area of your life? This series will equip you spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically, mentally, vocationally, and relationally, setting the foundation for the next decade to be the best of your life.

Preparing for Your Future
The Bible teaches two very important truths about your future. First, God’s plan for your life is good. Second, he will enable you to fulfill the unique mission he created you to complete. In this series, Pastor Rick teaches how you can discover and fulfill your life’s purpose.

The Key to Hope
At some point, we all navigate life’s storms. Sometimes those storms are physical, while at other times they might be emotional, financial, or relational. But the result is the same: They can leave you feeling beaten down, worn out, worried, and weary. How do you maintain hope in the face of such relentless challenges? In this series, Pastor Rick reveals three keys to maintaining the kind of hope that will keep you strong through any storm.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy
What kind of legacy do you want to leave? The reason you know about Jesus is because someone told you about him. Now, we all have the responsibility to pass faith on to the next generation and create the kind of legacy that makes a difference for eternity. In this series of messages, Pastor Rick teaches how to leave a legacy that lasts.

Growing in the Seasons of Life
There are four seasons in a year. But in your life, there may be dozens of seasons. And every season of your life includes both good and bad times. In this series of messages, Pastor Rick teaches what you can learn from each season of life and how you can approach each one with a sense of gratitude.
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