
Resentment Hurts You More than Anyone Else

When you hang on to resentment, it always hurts you more than anyone else. Resentment is self-destructive and counterproductive.

Resentment just makes no sense.

If anyone ever had a reason to be resentful, it was Job. He was a godly man who had everything he could ever want—wealth, fame, and a great family. One day, he lost it all. Enemy nations killed his livestock. All of his children died in a horrific storm. He got a terrible disease.

He literally lost everything he had, except for his wife, but then in his darkest moment, she said to him, “Why don’t you curse God and die?” (Job 2:9 GNT).

Then a group of his friends came along and said, “Job, it’s all your fault.”

But right in the middle of a lot of bad advice-giving, one of his friends shared a word of wisdom. He insisted that growing resentful was a bad idea. He said to Job, “To worry yourself to death with resentment would be a foolish, senseless thing to do” (Job 5:2 GNT). 

Job’s friend was wise. He knew—even in the midst of such great heartache—resentment wouldn’t help. In fact, it would just make things worse. 

If you think back through experiences in your own life, you’ll probably agree. Have you ever done things you regret when you were caught up in resentment? Maybe you said something like, “I’m going to get him back!” Then you did something foolish to get even.

When you give in to resentment, you end up acting in self-destructive ways. You hurt yourself much more than those you’re holding grudges against. Resentment makes you miserable. And it never ends with you getting what you want.

So why hold on to your resentment for one more minute? Let go of resentment today. Choose to forgive and enjoy living in the freedom that forgiveness brings.

Rick Warren

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