
Lean on God’s Promises When Troubles Hit

When we experience a setback, we tend to focus on the wrong place. We look at the bank account. We keep our eyes on others in our lives. We put our attention on what we can hold on to.

God says that when everything in life is falling apart, we need to remember that his promises can be trusted.

The Bible tells us, “Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true” (Joshua 21:45 NLT).

When you can’t count on anything else, you can count on the promises of God.

That’s what Paul told his shipmates when they were being battered by a storm in Acts 27. All looked lost. But God had told Paul that they all would be safe. Paul trusted God and told the others: “So take courage, men, because I believe God that it will be just the way it was told to me” (Acts 27:25 CSB).

Paul didn’t place his faith in the ship or the captain. Paul trusted God.

That boat wasn’t going to last forever. Paul understood that, but he knew the promises of God would last.

Are you trying to put your trust in a puny lifeboat? Maybe it’s your sparkling personality. You’re sure that you can get through anything because your personality will shine through.

Maybe it’s your looks. They’ve always been the key to your success. You figure you can lean on your looks when troubles hit.

Maybe it’s your money. You plan to buy yourself out of whatever problem you face.

But all of those puny lifeboats will someday perish. The only safe place to be in the middle of a storm is directly in the center of God’s will.

Just ask Paul.

Acts 27 ends with an incredible comeback—the Bible says “everyone escaped safely to shore” (Acts 27:44 NLT).

Like they always have, God’s promises came true—everyone was safe.

When you lean on God’s promises during a storm, you won’t be the only one who is helped.

God just might save your whole ship.

Rick Warren

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