
Jesus Sees, Cares, and Comes in Your Struggle

Sometimes you find yourself in situations you don’t want and don’t like. In fact, on some days you may feel like the storms of life threaten to drown you. So how do you keep from being blown over by life’s devastating winds? Over the last few days, we’ve looked at three antidotes for stormy days: Stay connected to your spiritual family, put into practice everything you’ve learned, and turn your focus to the greatness of God.

Here’s the fourth antidote: Remind yourself how much Jesus cares.

Not only does Jesus see your struggle, but he also cares about your struggle. And not only does he care, but he also does something about it.

You can see this pattern of Jesus seeing, caring, and doing in the story of Jesus walking on water in Mark 6:47-48: Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake” (NIV).

The disciples had four things going against them: It was dark, they were in the middle of a lake, they were alone, and “the wind was against them.”  

How did Jesus respond? He didn’t just stand on the shoreline and tell them what to do. Instead, he walked out to them—on the water—in their moment of desperation. He said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Mark 6:50 NIV). Then Jesus climbed into the boat and the wind calmed down.

That’s what Jesus does in your moment of desperation. He cares enough to walk out to where you are—wherever you are—and intervene.

Friends, that’s the Gospel. God came to Earth and became one of us. He took on all of our problems and died on the cross for our sins. He didn’t just shout instructions from heaven. He came to us and said, “I’ll solve the problem that you can’t solve.”

I don’t know what you’re going through right now. But I will tell you this: You may feel abandoned, but you’re not. God sees you, cares for you, and is with you—even in the darkest hour on the stormiest night.

John 14:18 says, No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you” (NLT).

No matter what problems you’re up against, remind yourself that Jesus cares and let him come to you today.

Rick Warren

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