Categories: devotional

Invest in Eternity Through Your Giving

God wants us to use some money to take the Good News around the world. We invest in eternity every time we use money to bring others to Jesus.

When you save to go on a mission trip, that’s an investment in God’s Global Fund. When you help others go on a mission trip, that’s an investment in God’s Global Fund, too.

This also includes using your money to encourage your friends to trust in Jesus. Luke 16:9 says, “Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home” (NLT).

Imagine when you die and get to heaven, you will encounter friends who say, “Thank you for investing in me. I’m in heaven because of you! I’m not your friend for life; I’m your friend for eternity. I’m in heaven because you cared enough. You bought me a Bible. You bought me a ticket for that life-changing event. You gave me a book that pointed me to Jesus.”

Others will say, “You spent your money to help spread the Good News to my village, even though you’d never seen us before. Because you gave, I became a follower of Christ. I’m in heaven because of you!”

Helping others find Jesus is the highest use of your money. How will you invest in God’s Global Fund? Will you go on a mission trip or provide funds so someone else can go on a mission trip? Will you give so that your friends or total strangers will hear about Jesus?

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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