
In Uncertain Times, You Need Eternal Security

What good is your money in the end?

“When the wicked die, their hope dies with them. Confidence placed in riches comes to nothing” (Proverbs 11:7 GNT). The Bible also says in Proverbs 11:4, “Your riches won’t help you on Judgment Day; only righteousness counts then” (TLB).

The only way to have security that will outlast your life is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you’re facing financial insecurity right now, you likely will be tempted to stop trusting that God will take care of you.

But the Bible is very clear when it comes to God’s provision. It tells you that God will provide—but often in ways that you don’t expect or understand. The Bible also lets you know what to do when you feel like you’re not going to have enough and when you’re tempted to hoard your resources. You need to trust in God, not in your possessions. You’ve got to be God-centered, not materialistic. And you should save—but for the right reasons.

If you’ve never opened your life to Jesus Christ, you’ll never be able to trust him with your money or make financial decisions that honor him. You don’t have the security of a relationship with God that you need in order to handle uncertain times like the ones we’re in right now. But you’re only one prayer away from knowing and trusting God with your life!

You don’t need to know what’s going to happen tomorrow. You don’t need to know what the future holds. You just need to know who holds the future! When you have a relationship with your Creator, you’ll have the security you need.

To become a Christian, simply pray this prayer in your heart: “Dear God, I want my security to be in something that cannot be taken from me. I want my security to be in my relationship with you, as I trust in your promise to never leave me. I want to claim that promise today. As much as I know how, I open my life to you, Jesus Christ. Please come in, change my priorities, my values, my purpose, and my direction. Make me the person you want me to be. I humbly ask you to do this in your name. Amen.”

If you just prayed to accept Jesus, please email me at and let me know about it. I’d like to send you some free materials to help you start your journey with Jesus.

Rick Warren

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