
If You Can Be Trusted with Little, God Will Trust You with More

Are you using your money in such a way that God says, “I want to give that person more”? Are you using your time that way? How about your influence? This principle applies to every area of your life.

Here’s what Jesus tells us: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (Luke 16:10 NIV).

If God has given you just a little bit of talent, you can still faithfully use it for God’s purposes. Don’t think, “I’m not a superstar, so I won’t do anything.” If you use what little talent you’ve got, then God will increase your talent.

If you’ve got just a little bit of influence but you use that influence for good and for God, then God will increase your influence. If you’ve just got a little bit of money but you use it wisely—the way God wants you to use it—then God will increase your material possessions. It’s true of opportunities; it’s true of net worth—it’s true of everything in life.

Jesus said, “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance” (Matthew 25:29 NLT). I want you to have that abundance in every area of your life. But you’ve got to use what you’ve been given for the good of others and for God’s Kingdom.

Faithfulness in little ways produces fruitfulness in big ways. You might think, When I make it big, then I’ll really become generous. When I make more money, then I’m going to start tithing.

But God has given you everything you need right now to be faithful to him and his purpose for your life.

If you want God’s blessing on your life, do it God’s way. Start managing well what God has given you, and then God can trust you with more.


Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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