Categories: devotional

How to Invest in the Fellowship of Your Church

God wants us to use some of our money to encourage fellowship, to show love to other believers, and to build relationships.

Anytime I give my money to God, it draws me closer to God. Anytime I give my money to another person, it draws me closer to that person. When I give money to people in my small group or I invest in my small group, I grow closer to those in the group.

Anytime I go out and buy a nice card and write a note of encouragement, I’ve just invested in God’s Mutual Fund. When another believer is discouraged and needs somebody to talk to and I buy that person lunch, I’ve just invested in God’s Mutual Fund.

The Bible says, “When you extend hospitality to Christian brothers and sisters, even when they are strangers, you make the faith visible” (3 John 1:5 The Message). When we invest our money in developing relationships within the church, it points others to God. In other words, when you invest in the fellowship of your church, it helps bring people to Christ.

Be creative! Be innovative! Put some thought into it. “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out” (Hebrews 10:24 The Message).

Anytime you give to other believers, it draws you closer to them!

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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