
Hold on for God’s Blessing

When God blessed Jacob, he promised to give him land, multiply his family, make him a mighty nation, and use him to bless the world. He made Jacob and his family God’s chosen people.

But just like he does with you today, God gave Jacob a promise and then tested his faith in that promise.

In Genesis 32, Jacob struggled with God all night long in a wrestling match that tested his patience, faith, and trust. Then God injured Jacob at his hip and gave him a serious disadvantage. Jacob was hurt and tired, and yet, at dawn, he still said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me” (Genesis 32:26 NIV).

Isn’t that an interesting thing to say to somebody you’re wrestling with? Apparently sometime during this all-night struggle, Jacob became aware that the one he was wrestling with was no ordinary individual. He was wrestling with God. And so, Jacob refused to let go, knowing that God could bless him.

Maybe you feel like you’re wrestling with God right now, and the struggle is lasting way too long. Maybe you don’t want to do the things God has told you to do, like be generous or obey his rules for sex or be kind to your enemies. 

The very God you’re wrestling with is the one who gives you your dream for your life. He’s the one who will make it happen! God’s not trying to thwart your dream. He’s getting you ready for it. Your struggle will build your stamina, deepen your patience, and increase your resilience.

Your wrestling match will also bring you to the point of commitment. Right at the moment when you think you’ve got to give up, you need to turn to God and say, “I’m in this struggle for as long as it takes for you to do your good work in me and bless me.”

That kind of response to God’s test will show him that you’re ready for his anointing on your life.

Rick Warren

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