
Grow in the Light of God’s Word

As a vegetable gardener, I can tell you that the more hours of light you have, the bigger your crops will grow. For more than 30 years, I’ve used a special light bulb for gardening called a grow light. It emits a certain kind of light that causes plants and trees to grow. You use it in areas where there isn’t enough light for plants to survive. I planted young redwood trees on the shady side of my house and used the grow lights on them until they got tall enough to get sunlight on their own. Today those trees are about 40 feet tall.

Light is the key to life. Every plant grows by photosynthesis, which is dependent upon light. Humans depend on light to see and for our body’s systems to function normally. No light, no power. No light, no growth. You can’t live without light.

What’s true of light in the physical realm is also true in the spiritual realm. On your dark days, when the sun is hidden and you can’t see the light, you need the light of Jesus to change you for the better.

There are two ways that you change: when you see the light and when you feel the heat. One of those ways is far less painful than the other. If you would just change when you see the light, then you wouldn’t have to change when you feel the heat.

Do you want to know what your grow light is? It’s God’s Word. Studying God’s Word will help you grow in your knowledge of God and love for him.

Ephesians 1:16-17 says, “I pray for you constantly, asking God to . . . give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow” (NLT). When you know God’s Word, his light will flood your heart. Then you’ll understand the wonderful future God has promised you.

In the Bible, light and life go hand in hand: “You are the giver of life. Your light lets us enjoy life” (Psalm 36:9 NCV).

Life is meant to be enjoyed, not merely endured, not just at Christmas but all year long. The key is to live in God’s light.

That’s why Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life” (John 8:12 NLT).

Rick Warren

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