
God’s Dream Is for Your Good and His Glory

God’s dream for your life will always be far bigger than your dream.

How do I know that? Because God promises it: “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us” (Ephesians 3:20 The Message).

Think of the greatest dream for your life, and God will top it. He can beat your dream with one that’s bigger than you could ever think up! But he doesn’t give you your dream by pushing you around. In fact, he draws you to him and works in you with great gentleness and care.

God doesn’t only give you a big dream for your life. After he gives you the dream, he then arranges the circumstances to make it happen.

Things will happen in your life that make you think, “There’s no way that could have happened without God’s help.” No way that you could have met that person at just the right time, or that the money could have come just as you needed it, or that an opportunity opened up at the perfect moment.

When you get in line with God’s will, you can’t miss it, because God doesn’t sponsor flops. Success is inevitable! It won’t always look like you think, because God knows better, but it will always be for your good and for God’s glory.

God says in Revelation 3:8, “I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut” (NIV). When God gives you a dream, then he circumstantially provides the open doors for you to make that dream come true.

Then you just need the courage to walk through that open door. That’s where faith comes in. Many people understand God’s dream for their life but are scared to death to walk through the door.

When you surrender your plans and dreams to God so that he can give you his plans and dreams for your life, you need to be prepared to walk through a door when he opens it. So choose to get ready today.

Following God through that door will lead to the best dream you could ever imagine for your life. You don’t want to miss it!

Rick Warren

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