
God Uses Problems to Correct You

Correction is essential for growth. Did you benefit from correction growing up? Of course you did. It’s how we all learned to walk, talk, eat, bathe, read, write, and everything else. A parent that doesn’t correct their children doesn’t love them.

Sometimes God shakes things up in your life not just to refine you but to correct you. Just like a loving earthly parent, God wants you to understand when you are off the path and how to get back on it. His correction proves you are part of his family.

“God corrects all of his children, and if he doesn’t correct you, then you don’t really belong to him . . . God corrects us for our own good, because he wants us to be holy, as he is. It is never fun to be corrected. In fact, at the time it is always painful. But if we learn to obey by being corrected, we will do right and live at peace” (Hebrews 12:8, 10-11 CEV).

This happened to the nation of Israel 2,500 years ago. They had fallen into deep idolatry, and God essentially said, “I’m going to cure you of that addiction.” When they were conquered by the Babylonians and hauled off to a foreign country for 70 years, they finally started to listen to God. Israel never reverted to idolatry again.

Why does God shake things up? Because he wants to help us become unshakable, “so that only unshakable things will remain” (Hebrews 12:27 NLT).

We often change only when the pain of staying the same exceeds the fear of change. Sometimes, God has to lay us flat on our backs before we look up to him. Some lessons are only learned through correction after failure or adversity.

“So, what a blessing when God steps in and corrects you! Mind you, don’t despise the discipline of Almighty God! True, he wounds, but he also dresses the wound; the same hand that hurts you, heals you” (Job 5:17-18 MSG).

You’ll go through difficulties to sift out temporary things in your life, keeping only what lasts forever. God wants you to trust that his way and his purpose are better. His correction is proof of his love.

When God corrects you, ask him what you need to learn so you can keep growing.

Rick Warren

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