
God Is a Consistent Father

You can count on God. He’s dependable and reliable. He is worthy of your trust.

Some of you know fathers who are unpredictable, unreliable, and fickle. They’re always changing, depending on the mood they’re in. Inconsistent fathers produce insecure children.

But the Scripture says God never has a bad day. He doesn’t wake up grumpy. He’s not moody. He doesn’t get up on the wrong side of the bed. He’s consistent and faithful.

2 Timothy 2:13 says, “If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself” (NIV). Even when I’m unfaithful, God is faithful. Even when I’m inconsistent, God is consistent. Even when I’m unreliable, God is reliable. No matter what else is changing in the world, there is one thing I can count on: God always acts the same way toward me. He is loving and he is consistent, regardless of my mood. He loves me just as much on my bad days as on my good days.

God says it himself in Malachi 3:6—“I the LORD do not change” (NIV). That is good news!

The number one problem with children and parents—the cause of rebellion, damage, resentment, and hurt feelings—is broken promises. A parent says, “One of these days—I promise.” And “one of these days” never comes.

But God is consistent. “What a God he is! How perfect in every way! All his promises prove true” (Proverbs 18:30 TLB).

If God says it, count on it! He’s always faithful. He’s always just the same way.

Rick Warren

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