It’s easy to look around the world and not see any reason for hope. But God’s Word is clear: You have real reasons to hope. The first chapter of 1 Peter gives five of those reasons. I’ve described two of them the last few days in these Daily Hope devotionals:
The third reason is this:
God has secured your future. No matter what happens for the rest of your life, if you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, God guarantees your future. You will never be able to lose your salvation.
The Bible says, “Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay” (1 Peter 1:3-4 NLT).
An inheritance is what you’re given because you belong to a family. Usually, it’s given to you at someone’s death. It’s like a birthright.
Peter gives five words and phrases to describe your inheritance in heaven:
Priceless: Its value is so great that you can’t even measure it.
Kept: You need a reservation to get into heaven, and you can only make that reservation through Jesus. Once you put in your reservation, it can never be canceled.
Pure: It isn’t fake. It’s the real deal.
Undefiled: It can’t be corrupted. You can’t lose it—ever.
Beyond the reach of change and decay: It won’t wither, die, or lose its value.
God has already written the final chapter of your life. You’ve got a reservation that you cannot lose! You can believe that, trust that, and put your hope in it.
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