
God Designed You to Hear His Voice

God designed you to hear his voice. In a sense, there is a “receiver” in you that allows you to get guidance from God.

What channels does God use? The primary way that God speaks is through the Bible. This is why it’s important to read the Bible every day. God’s will is found in his Word. That’s how you know if an impression you get is a message from God.

God also speaks through godly teachers. Have you ever been in church or at a Bible study and felt like the teacher was speaking directly to you? In that moment, God was speaking directly to you.

God also speaks through other Christians. He even speaks through you. When you stay tuned in to him and learn his Word, sometimes God will use you to say things to people that he wants them to hear. It’s not something reserved only for pastors; God speaks through every believer at different times.

God also speaks through your circumstances and your pain.

Job 33:14 says, “God does speak—sometimes one way and sometimes another—even though people may not understand it” (NCV).

God is speaking all the time. But you have to listen. Tune in to God, and he will lead you on the right path.

Rick Warren

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