
God Blesses Those Who Meet with Him Daily

Want to know something you can do every day that will certainly lead to God’s blessing?

Spend time with him.

God blesses those who meet with him daily.

The Bible says, “Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway” (Proverbs 8:34 NIV).

You don’t have to spend hours with God every day, but you do need to spend five, 10, or 15 minutes every day with him. Put it on your calendar and give that commitment the time it deserves.

What do you do during this daily time with God? Sit quietly and let God talk to you. Read his Word. Review devotionals like this. Pray about what’s going on in your life and the lives of others you care about. Talk to God like you’re talking to a friend—because you are.

But more than anything else, it’s about listening. Let God speak to you.

It doesn’t matter whether you spend time with God in the morning, the afternoon, or the evening. The important part is that you do it. Make it a regular habit of your life.

God will bless your commitment.

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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