
Find Your Unique Value as Part of the Body of Christ

Only within the body of Christ do you find your unique value. The Bible says we’re all different, but together we can accomplish what we could never do on our own.

When we’re a part of the body of Christ, we’ll discover our niche—which is how we matter—in his work.

You won’t find this anywhere else except the church. You won’t discover it at work or at the gym or on an athletic team.

The Bible says, “Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other, and each needs all the others” (Romans 12:4-5 TLB).

This passage tells us four things about how we fit together within the body of Christ.

The body of Christ is made up of many different parts. Just look around—you can tell we’re all different. Nobody looks like you, nobody sounds like you. God designed us that way, because he loves variety. 

We’re all needed to make the body complete. Nobody can say, “I’m not important.” The church needs all of us.

We all have work to do. We all have different roles and ministries. If all of the parts of our physical bodies did the same thing, we’d be a mess. The same is true of the church.

We belong to each other. We don’t just belong to God but to one another in the body of Christ. Each of us needs the rest of us.

You can’t get that outside of the body of Christ. To truly tap into your unique contribution in the world, you need to be an active part of a church.

Rick Warren

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