The Bible says there’s nothing simple about you. You’re not easy to understand or explain. God made you that way for a purpose!
There are a lot of things that make up your identity that you had no choice in. You didn’t choose your parents. You didn’t choose when you were born, where you were born, or how you were born. But you have to play the hand you were dealt.
In this free download, Pastor Rick shares the five things that make you you and what God says to do with them to make sure you turn what you’ve been dealt into a winning hand.
“Nunca dejen de ser diligentes; antes bien, sirvan al Señor con el fervor que da…
I don’t know what your next step is, but I do know this: You have…
“No finjan amar a los demás; ámenlos de verdad. Aborrezcan lo malo. Aférrense a lo…
Setting a big goal can be exciting at first—and overwhelming. In fact, looking at a…
“Así como nuestro cuerpo tiene muchas partes y cada parte tiene una función específica, el…
The Bible tells the story of a blind man named Bartimaeus. One day, as Jesus…