Every good thing in your life—air, water, food, love, beauty, truth, hope, and so much more—is a gift from God. So, no matter what happens, you can always be grateful to God for something good that’s in your life.
Fill your heart and mind with this powerful truth with this free download. Simply download it, fill it out, and keep it somewhere you can open it whenever you need a gratitude pick-me-up.
“Pero (José) no tuvo relaciones conyugales con ella hasta que dio a luz un hijo,…
If you want to fulfill your destiny—if you want to achieve your God-given dream, vision,…
“Me apresuraré sin demora a obedecer tus mandatos”. Salmos 119:60 (NTV) El devocional de hoy…
Today we’re going to finish our journey through the story of Eleazar and the big…
“Si me aman, obedezcan mis mandamientos”. Juan 14:15 (NTV) Todos estamos familiarizados con la historia…
If you don’t make plans in life, you’re just going to drift. As we’ve been…