Categories: devotional

God has already written the final chapter of your life

It’s easy to look around the world and not see any reason for hope. But God’s Word is clear: We have real reasons for hope. The first chapter of 1 Peter gives us five of those reasons. I’ve described two of them the last few days in these devotionals.

  1. God chose us before we chose him.
  2. God always treats us with grace and mercy.

The third reason is God has secured our future. No matter what happens for the rest of your life, if you have a relationship with Christ, God guarantees your future. You will never be able to lose your salvation.

The Bible says, “Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance — an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay” (1 Peter 1:3b-4 NLT).

An inheritance is what you’re given because you belong to a family. Usually, it’s given to you at someone’s death. It’s like a birthright.

Peter gives us five words and phrases to describe our inheritance in Heaven. It is:

  • Reserved: You need a reservation to get into Heaven, and you can only make that reservation through Jesus. Once you put in your reservation, it can never be canceled.
  • Pure: It isn’t fake. It’s the real deal.
  • Undefiled: It can’t be corrupted. You can’t lose it — ever.
  • Beyond the reach of change and decay: It won’t whither, die, or lose its value.
  • Priceless: You can’t measure its value.

God has already written the final chapter of your life. You’ve got a reservation that you cannot lose! You can trust in that. You can believe in that. You can place your hope in that.

Rick Warren

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Rick Warren

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