If you think you’re going to be bored in heaven, think again.
You’re not going to sit around on a cloud doing nothing in heaven. God wired you and knows what you’re interested in. All your hobbies, skills, and talents come from him. He shaped you with your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences. God didn’t make you extraordinarily unique just for Earth. He’s going to use your shape in eternity.
You will have work in heaven, but here’s the difference between work in heaven and work on Earth: In heaven, you’re guaranteed to enjoy your work. You won’t experience any heartache or stress over your work. It will be meaningful, enjoyable, and fulfilling all the time. You’ll have your dream job forever!
I don’t know what your specific roles or responsibilities will be in heaven. But I do know that they will be based on how faithful you are with the roles and responsibilities God has given you on Earth.
God is watching you, and he’s testing you. Life is a temporary assignment, and God wants to see how responsible, faithful, and trustworthy you are with the responsibilities you have now.
What are you doing with what you’ve been given? If you make the most of what you’ve been given, then God is going to give you more in heaven. You’ll make it into heaven because of God’s grace, but your rewards and responsibilities once you get there will be based on how faithfully you served God on Earth.
The Bible explains: “For unless you are honest in small matters, you won’t be in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” (Luke 16:10-11 TLB).
God is watching to see how you manage your finances, your time, your relationships, your health, and your opportunities.
The way you manage your money is a test of your faithfulness, and it’s going to help determine what you do in heaven. If God can’t trust you with worldly wealth—you’re always in debt, you can’t afford to tithe, and you’re not generous—then what do you think he’s going to trust you with in eternity?
God is watching how you handle your responsibilities too—not because he wants to make you feel guilty but because he wants you to enjoy all the wonderful things heaven has to offer.
When you choose faithfulness in everything God has entrusted to you on Earth, then you will be entrusted with much more in heaven.
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