Daily Hope Devotionals - Romans 12

Five Things to Do While You Wait

Do you ever feel like you’re waiting on God? Maybe you can’t relate to the Israelites, who wandered in the desert for 40 years while they were waiting on God to deliver them. But you … Continue reading Five Things to Do While You Wait

You Learn Your Purpose Through Relationships

We only learn who we are in relationship. We only learn our true identity in community. You’ll never learn who you really are by yourself. You only learn it in relationships. That means you must … Continue reading You Learn Your Purpose Through Relationships

What to Do With Unused Ability

All of us have unused abilities. But there are three ways that you can start cultivating your abilities so they are being used for good and for God’s glory. 1. Estimate your abilities. Do an … Continue reading What to Do With Unused Ability

God of Love, God of Justice

Life is not fair. God never said it would be! Life is unfair because there is sin in the world. Jesus came to make things right, and, one day, they will be. But, right now, … Continue reading God of Love, God of Justice

You’re Significant in the Body of Christ

In the Bible, the church is often called the “body of Christ.” What Jesus Christ did when he was here in his physical body, he wants his followers to continue to do today. We are … Continue reading You’re Significant in the Body of Christ

Why Empathy Is Essential for Strong Relationships?

You’re never going to live in harmony with your spouse, your friends, or anybody else without empathy. You can’t have a team without being aware of what’s happening with your teammates. That’s why when people … Continue reading Why Empathy Is Essential for Strong Relationships?

We Serve Better Together

You serve God when you serve other people. Whenever you use your talents, time, energy, and resources to help other people, that’s called ministry.   But God doesn’t want you to minister alone! Philippians 2:2 says, … Continue reading We Serve Better Together

Make Friends to Make Disciples

Everybody’s looking for true friends—not just acquaintances but people who are there with you when you need them most. God wants you to build true friendships with the people that are already in your life … Continue reading Make Friends to Make Disciples

Do You Have a Safety Net?

As a pastor, I have seen so many situations that nobody should ever have to go through alone. Nobody should ever have to wait in the hospital while a loved one is in life-or-death surgery. … Continue reading Do You Have a Safety Net?

Seven Characteristics of Mercy

Would you like to see your relationships transformed? Then become an agent of mercy.  Here are seven characteristics of mercy that God wants you to learn and apply in your life:  1. Mercy means being … Continue reading Seven Characteristics of Mercy