Daily Hope Devotionals - Job 11

Necesitas un Fundamento Firme

“Pues las montañas podrán moverse y las colinas desaparecer, pero aun así mi fiel amor por ti permanecerá; mi pacto de bendición nunca será roto —dice el Señor, Te reconstruiré con joyas preciosas y haré … Continue reading Necesitas un Fundamento Firme

Cinco Cosas que no Encontrarás en el Cielo

“¿Puedes adentrarte en los misterios de Dios o alcanzar la perfección del Todopoderoso? Son más altos que los cielos; ¿qué puedes hacer? Son más profundos que el sepulcro; ¿qué puedes saber? Son más extensos que … Continue reading Cinco Cosas que no Encontrarás en el Cielo

Avoiding the Rearview Mirror

You’ve heard the saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” That’s true—but it’s only part of the story. You can learn a lot by looking at your past—but you can’t … Continue reading Avoiding the Rearview Mirror

Para Todos los que Necesitan una Segunda Oportunidad

“Pero olvida todo eso; no es nada comparado con lo que voy a hacer. Pues estoy a punto de hacer algo nuevo. ¡Mira, ya he comenzado! ¿No lo ves? Haré un camino a través del … Continue reading Para Todos los que Necesitan una Segunda Oportunidad

You Need a Firm Foundation

There is only one place in the Bible where the word “reset” is used. It’s found in Isaiah 54. The nation of Israel had lost a war to Babylon, where they were taken as captives … Continue reading You Need a Firm Foundation

Five Things You Won’t Find in Heaven

When I was a little boy, we traveled to Disneyland for a family vacation. On the way there, my dad explained to me what it was going to be like. But no matter how he … Continue reading Five Things You Won’t Find in Heaven

For Everyone Who Needs a Second Chance

The Bible is full of people who got a second chance. God is the God of second chances—and hundredth and thousandth chances! Abraham, who is called the father of faith, pretended his wife was his … Continue reading For Everyone Who Needs a Second Chance

To Live Free of Fear, Surrender to God

How do you learn to live in God’s love so that you can live free of fear? You have to surrender your heart to God every day. The Bible says in 1 John 4:18, “Where … Continue reading To Live Free of Fear, Surrender to God

Evita el Espejo Retrovisor

“Si de todo corazón elevas tus manos, y te dispones a rogarle a Dios… podrás levantar la cara limpia de pecado, y podrás sentirte libre y sin ningún temor; te olvidarás de tus tristezas, o … Continue reading Evita el Espejo Retrovisor

Avoiding the Rearview Mirror

You can’t heal the most pervasive, costly wounds in your life by focusing on your past. To defeat those giants, you need to look ahead. Do you try to find healing by looking in your … Continue reading Avoiding the Rearview Mirror