Daily Hope Devotionals - Finances

How to Invest in the Fellowship of Your Church

God wants us to use some of our money to encourage fellowship, to show love to other believers, and to build relationships. Anytime I give my money to God, it draws me closer to God. … Continue reading How to Invest in the Fellowship of Your Church

Use Your Money to Grow Your Character

We like to spend money on comfort, but the Bible teaches that it is wiser to invest in character. God wants us to take some of our money and invest it in ourselves — in … Continue reading Use Your Money to Grow Your Character

The Best Financial Investment You Can Make

God’s Word tells us in Matthew 6:20-21 to store up our treasures in heaven. How can we do this? In one of his most misunderstood statements, Jesus said, “I tell you, use worldly wealth to … Continue reading The Best Financial Investment You Can Make

Don’t Worry. Trust God!

We can be a hero one day and a zero the next day, a millionaire one day and bankrupt the next. No matter how much we make, no matter how much we save, finances are … Continue reading Don’t Worry. Trust God!

Four Heart Attitudes for Giving

How do you have the attitude God wants you to have when you give? It starts with your heart. God is a lot more interested in your willingness to give than your wealth, because he’s … Continue reading Four Heart Attitudes for Giving

Become Debt-Free

My hope for you is that you will set a goal to be debt-free. It is possible, if you are disciplined. Let me say, if you’ve never been debt-free, you have no idea the freedom … Continue reading Become Debt-Free

Answer One Question, Increase Your Savings

Today’s verse shows us God’s IQ test. Let’s see how smart you are: Wise people save for the future, but foolish people spend whatever they get. If we want God’s blessing on our finances, we … Continue reading Answer One Question, Increase Your Savings

How Can You Store Up Treasure in Heaven?

You are going to enjoy forever what you invest in heaven, and you invest in heaven every time you use money for good. Yesterday we talked about investing in eternity by using your money to … Continue reading How Can You Store Up Treasure in Heaven?

God’s Investment Funds Yield Eternal Dividends

The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:18-19, “They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up … Continue reading God’s Investment Funds Yield Eternal Dividends

Financial Blessing Requires Careful Planning

If you want to be financially strong, you need to start writing down what you spend until you know where it’s all going. This is the principle of accounting. You’ve got to keep track of … Continue reading Financial Blessing Requires Careful Planning